Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Joy!

Oh- to be a kid again! Boy, now 5, can swing by himself if he gets a push. Baby Girl got her ears pierced. Time flies, and I am trying to enjoy their childhood. This past Holy Week, I did my best to ignore the duties of the house and get outside with the kids.
Our innocent month+ houseguest probably doesn't realize that I am really beating myself up over the fact that the house isn't immaculate and the meals aren't constantly gourmet. I don't quite agree with Benjamin Franklin ("fish and visitors stink after 3 days"), but I think after about 3 days, all expectations should be gone (if the woman of the house works part time, homeschools, etc with no outside help) and real life goes on. 

I'm linking up with Wordless Wednesday


  1. Awww, they are too cute!! How did Baby Girl take to the piercing? You are nice to let her get them done so early; my mom made me wait until 1st communion (7). :-D

  2. Jen/rabbit- actually, I was very late in getting them done- we are like Latinos in that girls get ears done before year 1

    She was AMAZING! They did both ears at the same time, but she didn't even cry out a bit- which is surprising because she can be quite the spitfire

    1. I had no idea that was a cultural thing for you too. Verrrrry smart that they did both at the same time. I almost missed out on the other ear--I was in so much shock after the first one, my mom thought I was going to pass out. Fortunately, I rallied quickly, and have one hole in each ear :)

  3. Thanks for the pics of the two youngest. They look great. I sympathize re your guest. Having my older brother here for a while helps me to empathize a bit. Not that it is exactly the same situation, but I think it may have some similarities. Have a good Easter season.

  4. We can't believe little girl!! Women are great at beating themselves up about housework. Just think about when you're a little old lady and can finally be the Ms. Tittlemouse you've always dreamed of--- I think we'll miss the messy days with our kids. Beautiful pictures!!

    Avi but mostly Faith

  5. 'super user'
    hmmmm.....I consider my optimal old lady persona to be a combo of Hunca Munca and Mrs Tigglewinkle ;)

    1. looks like they are having a blast come see me at

  6. As for the houseguest--is he a parent? I don't know if his "rank" allows for him to be married. But if he's spent enough time with families, I'm sure he's taking it all in stride :)

    1. yes- he's married with two kids in the old country- he is going to bring them in August---luckily, he is a good man, but I also know the level of hospitality required in the old country...and I am falling WAY short of that

    2. The compare game is horrible. Are you doing YOUR best, though? Let's hope he chalks it up to you being American ;-)


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