Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pretty Happy Funny Real Homeschooling

Pretty, Happy- We took the door down two years ago between the garage/school-room/etc room  and the galley-style kitchen so it would stop smashing the little ones' fingers. But I finally finished a curtain to separate the two rooms when I don't want guests to see into the garage. it is bad enough that the kitchen is open to the dining area.
And I am happy to get the 'etc. room' back to a decent base-line of cleanliness and organization. May it never get out of control again- even though it is not all that in control right now. It is just a lot better.
Funny- He's a funny dog. That is all.
Real- This is the 'junk' drawer in the kitchen, and yes, that says "this is not your drawer" in all its label-made gravitas. That's not my Playmobile princess, and I don't like bananas enough to eat a dried version of them. So, the cleaning, decluttering and organizing continues; I suspect I'll never get to the interior-designing part of homemaking. 


  1. Man I feel you. My desk is atrocious right now but I really haven't felt like cleaning. Maybe this weekend (is what I say every weekend!)

    I did laugh at work we did this personality assessment and this guy was going on and on how if your closet isn't organized by pants in one spot and shirts in another you are not an "organized person" I told my mom where do you draw a line b/t organized and OCD? HAHAHAHAHA glad I'm not alone with my messyness and glad you got it cleaned up!

    1. have you seen the youtube videos with Alejandra, the most organized woman...until I am like her (not gonna happen) I am not in danger of OCD

  2. I don't know how you manage all of that in a townhouse! We have been living in a townhouse since May and while I haven't found it overly-cramped, I also have only two kids, no dog, and a 5x7 storage unit crammed to the ceiling with things that don't fit in the house.

    I do think that when you are living in a smaller space, you find more motivation to keep things organized. I no longer have a basement, extra closets, and a spare room to hide the clutter in, so I have to keep it under control so we have room to eat and sleep!

    1. That's kind of you to say...but I want to improve. I feel so much PEACE when it is decently clean that I know that I will feel even better when there really is a place for everything with everything in its place...someday! ;)

  3. Great job! The organizing looks fantastic and I'm sure now that you're on a roll much more will get done.

    Keep up the good work :)

    1. thanks- this is the 'baseline'- for me organized=peace, so I have to stay on the ball

  4. That curtain is a great idea. I am a big believer in good enough housekeeping. :-)

  5. That curtain is a great idea. I am a big believer in good enough housekeeping. :-)


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