Monday, March 9, 2015

urban homesteading...on the smallest scale possible

The pots are planted, inside and outside, with parsley, cilantro, squash, tomatoes, and more. The plum and persimmon trees need to be pruned, but this is a rental. I do not know if we are permitted to take a clipper to permanent plantings. You can see the plum in the background; those are the only leaves that it has/ It needs to be pruned way. way back!
It is silly to call this 'homesteading.' It isn't. It is just trying to be a little bit more self-sufficient. If the plants are successful, we would like to take it to the next level and dabble in aquaponics.....


  1. Can I recommend planting some basil as you live in the same Mediterranean climate that I do? :)

    1. yes! it might just be easier to buy a basil plant from trader Joes and stick it in the ground...

  2. Happy St. Patrick's day. How about planting some potatoes ?


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