Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Perks of Being Unimportant- 7 Quick Takes

1. When you share worship space with a much larger community, you had better be prepared to have native Mexican dancers at your Saint Nicholas Divine Liturgy and potluck. (2011's photo). Accept it as a perk of being unimportant. Look at the beautiful smiles of the dancers! It was a fun, very international (hence- "catholic") time.
2. This week was a good bonk of the head to help me with my lack of humility. I was quite excited to have a short Advent reflection posted at Huffington Post Religion. It wasn't that entertaining or earth-shattering, but I was still pleased to be published by such a huge site. I didn't get ONE person clicking from the Huffington Post back to me to read from my personal blog. Not ONE person was interested in reading more? Ouch. Oh well, I still get a click every now and then from when the lovely Simcha Fisher posted a link to me. I should have known that Simcha's audience is far cooler than Huffington Post's. 
3. and then you say- Priest's Wife, get over yourself!
...and then I say- okay, thanks for the bonk in the head! We have more important issues in today's world than my first-world pity party.
4. Our monastery has a new vocation that we all celebrate and pray for. Cardinal George, has he ever celebrated a Mass with such a small community? Probably not. While we pray these holy monks will grow into a larger community, there are benefits to being small. Can they 'fly under the radar' and escape satan's wrath and attacks? Probably not. Pray for them, and if you live in the Chicago area, consider joining them for a retreat.
5. Heaven forbid that we ever become successful. Maybe it is just sacramental grace, but I think my priest-husband is telegenic enough for the media. But it is for the best. I pray for priests like Fr Mitch Pacwa and Fr Robert Barron to fight the good fight and not succumb to the world like Fr Cutie and Fr John Corapi. Anyway, it is the media that is missing out on my heavily-accented, photogenic husband.
NOT on T.V.
6. So Fr Z (I appreciate his blog) and Michael Voris (sorry, I can't abide the swirling pencil even when his message is positive) are having a "retreat" on a cruise ship during the later part of Lent 2013. I'm sure that there will be plenty of shrimp and lobster to accommodate the meatless Fridays. You can probably imagine that I agree with The Crescat.
7. Your comments are important to me! You don't even need to out on your glasses to submit a comment because I don't require captcha codes. And for more smallness, visit some of the links at my quasi-blog In Union With Rome.


  1. I read the article on Crescat. The "retreat" is probably a mistake but I still like Voris and Father Z. Voris is certainly not perfect but I agree with most of his sentiments.

  2. I was just wondering if you knew how easy it is to find your home address online?

    Somehow the idea of a retreat during Lent on a cruise ship sounds great to me... I mean it would if I was still Catholic. Especially if the whole ship is part of the retreat, because what can be more retreat like than a boat in the middle of the ocean?

    1. yup Hevel- pretty scary about online info...

      one problem about a cruise 'retreat' is that there will still be pools and entertainment...not really conducive to contemplation

    2. That would be a good exercise in self restraint... I think.

  3. Fr. Corapi upset me when he threw married priests under the bus with some of comments. Never the less, has there been evidence that he did succumb to the world?

    1. I haven't heard the 'end of the story' with Fr Corapi-but he left his order and dyed his goatee and started wearing a biker jacket. Maybe he quietly went back!

    2. I've been hoping he went back quietly. The "Black Sheepdog" disappeared without a word.

  4. We are blessed to have Holy Resurrection Monastery in our state. I can't think a better way to have been introduced to a Byzantine liturgy. I pray that they flourish in their new environment.

    1. MadCow- lucky you! I pray that the larger space will make it easier for men to visit for extended time to discern vocations

  5. Would it make you feel important to know that those of us who hang out with you online bragged to our friends about your HuffPo Religion piece and that we were proud to know you?

    And really? A cruise ship retreat during Lent? That's... just... not right.

  6. I just tried to click from the Huffington Post article. It was a bad link.

    1. I suspected they wouldn't keep it up long, so I posted on my blog two days ago

    2. No, what I mean is that I went to the Huffington Post article, and from there I clicked on the link to your blog. It was a bad link, so that might explain why you didn't get a single hit on your blog directly from the article.

  7. I've been reading your blog for less than a year and enjoy it. :)


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