Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Pretty Happy Funny Real Bedroom

Like Mother, Like Daughter is doing a bedroom challenge this week, so I decided to join up. But there's a hitch. After eight years here, we have decided to repaint the upstairs and switch the childrens' rooms so that the little kids get the big room. Everything is in flux. But this challenge was still a great motivator in tidying up a bit while we are in a bit of chaos.
I don't even have a bedside table right now because the big girls are getting those plus our bureau. I've had a bad cold, hence the trash on the stool. And yes, that is a model wooden Romanian cart on the dresser....must put the laundry and vacuum away... 
Fifteen minutes later, trash is gone and things are put away in their proper places. The Bible and Introduction to a Devout Life are in their place of honor on the temporary bedside stool. 
No, my husband is not into English cottages or hedgehogs, but I am sure he will be happy to see a bedroom that is tidier than when he left for a stressful day at the hospital.


  1. it is hard to be pretty when things are all in flux but you did a good job!

    1. Thanks Rhonda- it was good to freshen up our bedroom because it will be the last upstairs to get painted- first the small bedroom for the big girls and then the big bedroom for the little kids then us

  2. It looks lovely! So peaceful.
    Introduction to the Devout Life is one of my absolute favorites. If I can ever finish the book on Mother Teresa I'm trying to read (in those stolen snippets of time) I'm going back to that one again :)

    1. I love my book of quotations from Mother Theresa- after Our Lady, she is the woman to emulate

  3. Wow! Fifteen minutes is amazing, and coming off a bad cold...I always get so distracted and it takes me double the time. Love how your treasures are showing their reflections.

    1. I always forget flylady- but she is so can accomplish a lot in a few minutes!

  4. That dresser top is everything I want my own dresser top to be: personalized, elegant in a simple way, and with just the right amount of soft light. Great job! Thanks for sharing! P.S. I am also a big fan of "Introduction to the Devout life."

    1. Thanks!

      I love Intro to a Devout Life- but it needs to stay by my bedside- it is so easy to forget the wisodom in it when one gets bogged down in 'normal life'

  5. What a difference! I like your English cottages and hedgehogs.

  6. You really cleaned up. Great work. Even a little corner feels better under control :)

  7. Beautiful! Job well done! I have an off topic question if you don't mind about "The Devout Life." I read the intro, and maybe the first chapter, then felt like I couldn't or shouldn't go on without a spiritual adviser. I am completely without one, and without the prospect for one. I felt like I would be robbing myself of the goodness of the book if I continued unaccompanied. What is your opinion?

    1. Think of St Francis de Sales as your personal spiritual director!...personally, I think you will be fine with reading it and applying it 'alone' espcially if you can get to confession a few times while you are reading it....and maybe I just found a new series for this blog...keep a watch out, I hope you will contribute with your thoughts as well


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