Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Everyday Blessings

some everyday blessings....a baby in footed pink pig pajamas, drizzly rain, a husband to scare away opposums and help with baby duty at night, Snapple peach iced tea, helpful big girls, a hot shower, painting with watercolors with a three-year old boy, waiting for a new baby in the extended family, Mother Mary's example to all of us, friends who need meals after a baby or after a surgery, the internet to help with homeschooling, church family, church visitors, homemade soup on a chilly day, icons written by friends, Skyping with family far away, compassionate and classy commenters, too full book shelves, my students, the Byzantine rite's spirituality, my one workable vocal chord and ability to sing at all, a clean kitchen courtesy of my big girls, listening to the kids recite poetry in their dad's language, the Sacraments....

The list is endless!


  1. I love this! It's so important to remember all the blessings we have. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. Well- this blog has taken a serious turn- I thought I should lighten it up a bit :)

  3. It is a blessing to me to have a sister married to a priest! It has been so wonderful to be able to have Fr. C offer the sacraments; and be a spiritual guide for all of us. I am very proud of this fact, and love educating those around me about Byzantine Catholics! You know, it's funny, but my kids have never been confused about a priest being married! Oh, and if you need help with those bookshelves--


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